Just so you know...

Forum rules

Before creating a topic:

If you found a topic concerning your issue, but it does not answer your question or resolve your issue, do not attempt to bump or hijack it. Rather create a new topic with a reference link to the topic in question.

Choosing a topic title:

Choose a topic title that makes sense with what the thread you made is about. Don't create topic titles that contain spam, sexual, or racial comments or subjects.

Topic Content:

Stay on topic. Don't create topics that have nothing to do with the forum they are in. Also, don't go off-topic in already-created topics. No one wants to hear you talk about your weekend in the clan news section. Off-topic chat is exempt from the off-topic rule unless it gets way too far out of hand. Lastly, no flaming, spam, sexual, or racial messages.

Other things to keep in mind:

When making a new topic, make sure that you use correct grammar and spelling so that the person replying to you will know what you are talking about. Proofread your post before you press the reply button so that you know you did not make any mistakes while you were typing. Make sure to try not to use profanity as well unless appropriate to the subject. Lastly, USE COMMON SENSE. I don't know how many times I've seen senseless posts because people haven't taken a moment to think before acting.
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Joined: October 7th, 2007, 12:00 am
Real Name: Bryce
Location: New South Wales, Australia

Just so you know...

Post by Azgorth-X »

Just so you know sugard, i been in the clan since july 2006 :D

so please edit my join date from unknown to mid 2006 :D

plz & ty.
Clan Xperience is the greatest clan ever.
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Joined: September 9th, 2007, 4:23 pm
Account Aliases: SugarDaddy-X

Re: Just so you know...

Post by SugarD-x »

Clan Xperience .:. Clan-X Forums .:. BounderHax .:. StealthBot.Net
~SugarD-x~ / ~Tech-SugarD~

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