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Got Xperience? Join Today!

Posted: September 14th, 2007, 9:27 pm
by SugarD-x
So you feel like you're good enough to join us? Well then, you came to the right place! If you would like to join, please create a single-post thread in this forum titled "[JOIN]Your Account Name Here" and provide your current gaming status, games and servers you play on, all current records/stats, if you're already in a clan(s), and if so, which one(s), your skills in the fields of bots, recruiting, map-making, graphics, webmastering, programming, and gaming. Please also provide your name and a picture of atleast 120 x 150 pixels in size or larger in case we decide to add you. We also recommend that you have an email address that you aren't afraid of being contacted on handy because if we add you, we'll need to add it to the members page. Thanks and have a great day!